Alternative process printing is (loosely) any non-traditional or non-commercial photographic printing process including historical processes, 20th century processes and handmade processes.
Great Egret / Pigment Print of Chlorophyll Print 🔴
Drift / Pigment Print of Chlorophyll Print
End Days / Pigment Print of a Chlorophyll Print 🔴
En Repose / Pigment Print of a Chlorophyll Print 🔴
Becoming / Ziatype Print
With Wings / Ziatype Print
Fallen / Ziatype Print
Nymphs / Ziatype Print / 🔴
Your Breath Became the Wind / Pigment Print on Kozo over Gold and Silver Leaf / 🔴
Ginkgoes / Pigment Print on Vellum over Gold Leaf
Baby's Breath / Pigment Print on Vellum over Gold Leaf
En Repose / PT/PD over Pigment Print of a Chlorophyll Print
End Days / PT/PD over Pigment Print of a Chlorophyll Print
Wild / Ziatype Print 🔴
Samsara / Ziatype Print